Home » December 2010
"I've been thinking about the past few months" I said to her.
We were sitting on the living room, holding hands as we read the bible. Her face was growing thinner, her hair beginning to lose its luster. Yet her eyes, those soft blue eyes, were as lovely as ever.
I don't think I'd ever seen someone as beautiful.
"I've been thinking about them, too" she said.
"You knew, from the first day in Miss Garber's class that I was going to do the play, didn't you. When you looked at me and smiled?"
She nodded. "Yes."
"And when I asked you to the homecoming dance, you made me promise that I wouldn't fall in love, but you knew that I was going to, didn't you?"
She had a mischievous gleam in her eye. "Yes."
"How did you know?"
She shrugged without answering, and we sat together for a few moments, watching the rain as it blew against the windows.
"When I told you that I prayed for you," she finally said to me, "what did you think I was talking about?"
Nicholas Sparks
A Walk to Remember
A Walk to Remember
Majalah dinding yang tak buat kapan itu, ngomong-ngomong sekarang ditaruh dimana ya?
Isinya tentang perjuangan anak-anak di daerah-daerah terpencil yang kalau mau sekolah aja harus berjuang mati-matian.
Aku aja yang tinggal naik becak ke sekolah sering males, hoho.
Kadang-kadang, kasian sama orang tua yang mampu tapi anaknya males sekolah. Buat apa orang tuanya kerja susah-susah, tapi kalau anaknya akhirnya nggak jadi apa-apa.
Ibuku selalu bilang, "Semua orang tua pasti menginginkan kalau anaknya lebih sukses daripada dia. Orang tua kerja juga buat anaknya, buat anaknya maju."
Semangat sekolah ya semuanya!
Ayo berjuang menggapai cita-cita :)
Ayo berjuang menggapai cita-cita :)
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