I know I seem like someone who like photography that much, but no i don't. Photos that you see in magazines and all have been retouched to be that stunningly beautiful. Well I do think photography is somehow a lie, what is served mostly is not original from the camera.

My father love photography. I know how complicated it is to make a damn good picture. Even if you already captured the best, you still have to put it in the Lightroom or Photoshop to enhance it. But I guess it goes the same back then photographer being in the dark room, mixing chemicals and creating unique photos, but nowadays it is done with Photoshop.

But then after years of a lil bit hating it, I kinda fell in love with it, and it comes in the simplest form of photography: I just use my phone as the main gear and tadaaa. It's great. Just some click put that in some photo apps and you get a unique picture instantly. (I do admit I'm a part of generation Y who love instant things)

I use a iPhone 4 to take all of these pictures. Easy gear to bring in everyday!

These cat pictures are cats that usually wonder around my campus. I never intentionally want to take a series of cat picture really, it just happens when I saw something unique, I just pressed click. Hohoho

 I was still trying to make a good composition. But she looks cute

My favorite photo :3. anw her name is Gastri. The most beautiful cat.

Gastri strikes again

She is Nessa, Wkwkwk.
Animal, nature, human. With a smart usage your phone can do.

Tempu rejo Village, South Malang

Sempu Island


All the pictures above are taken using hipstamatic. The very best photography apps, it's not free but it's really worth it.
Just found this Award, IPPAWADS iPhone photography awards since 2007. Click here.
So confused to choose which one is the best. I think I have to learn about composition and capture more. As photographer Henri Cartier Bresson said "Your first 10.000 photographs are your worst."

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