Nemu film ini waktu baca artikel di tentang film-film yang wajib ditonton arsitek di tahun 2013 (klik sini), tertarik seketika waktu baca sinopsisnya. Akhirnya baru  sempet nonton tahun 2014 ini, dan ternyata film ini masuk lagi di list film tahun 2014 (klik disini)

Mungkin ada yang tahu dan sempet nonton drama Korea The Heirs di akhir tahun 2013? Saya salah satunya. Film ini agak mirip begitu. Tapi kisah utamanya bukan tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang memperjuangkan cintanya dengan anak perempuan berbeda kasta.

Film ini melibatkan perasaan penontonnya secara dalam (sekalipun tidak tertarik dengan dunia arsitektur), bukan hanya karena ini kisah nyata, mungkin karena hidup terkadang semacam drama, ini sebuah film tentang cinta, karir, dan keluarga.

Tiba-tiba pingin nulis di bahasa Inggris, so let me....

Nathaniel Kahn is the only son and the third children of world wide known architect, Louis I. Kahn. His father died because of heart attack when he was eleven. His father body was unidentified for about three days after collapsed in the Pennsylvania Station in New York 1974. Later on, an article about the Architect's death appeared in the New York Times. "I was looking for my name but it wasn't there" Nathaniel narrated in the film referring to the article. It was written in the article that the architect left a wife and an only daughter. The truth it wasn't.

Besides his legitimate daughter, Louis Kahn had two illegitimate children each from two illegitimate wife. Unfortunately, Nathaniel is one of them, whom his father never lived with and rarely met. And when he died, it left Nathaniel thousand words of question, and what I get is if he had lived longer, would have his father marry his mother and live together with him? because it is what he and his mother always believed.

This documentary film is about Nathaniel search in order to know his father more through his architecture. Nathaniel visit his father works and meeting his father colleagues such as famous architect Philip Johnson, I.M. Pei (semua orang tahu piramid kaca segitiga Louvre), Frank Gehry, Moshe Safdie, and Louis' employee even his father student in the university.

It's a very beautiful film and journey, and often will make you shed your tears. This film is also a reminding for us to love our family more and be grateful for the love we have received. And in the end, his last journey to Bangladesh where his father latest work was completed after eight years or seven years after his death closed the movie perfectly. I was surprised in the end because I really don't know how this movie should ever end.

This oscar nominated film is really worth your 110 minutes of live. You can watch this on vimeo (click here), or simply ask me the file. I have downloaded it.

One Comment

  1. sempet liat cuplikannya di Youtube dan sempet denger2 rumor jg soal Louis Kahn yg katanya "great architect, bad father" itu. tp aku gak sampai liat ceritanya sih, cm take a glance aja ke bangunannya yg di Bangladesh. heavenly majestic.


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