"It's not where you are, but who's you with"

Waktu kelas 2 SMP, masa cocok-cocoknya sama temen-temenku. Tiba-tiba temen baikku yang paling berarti bilang kalau bapaknya sudah mengajukan surat buat dipindah ke kota lain. Rasanya sedih pol, walupun waktu itu masih belum pasti.

Semenjak saat itu, momen sesimpel apapun rasanya jadi berarti. Karena aku nggak pernah tahu sampai kapan dia bakal nemenin aku.

Kami berdua bukan tipe yang suka jalan-jalan di mall, acara hang out kami ya pergi berdua ke warnet, terus ngenet bareng. Kami pernah nggak sengaja bolos pelajarannya Bu Jupe karena gak tahu kalau sudah bel, dan malah asyik ngobrol tentang hidup di mata anak SMP di jendelanya kelas kosong yang ngadep ke jalan. Waktu kami duduk-duduk di depan Kelt sambil nungguin temenku dijemput. Haha, memori-memori indah.

Seharusnya semua manusia bisa merasakan hal yang sama, hanya saja aku pun belum bisa sepenuhnya. Hanya ke orang-orang tertentu.

Hari ini ketika menunggu rapor sisipan yang sedang dibagikan, saya mendengarkan dia bercerita soal Bill Gates yang dulu nilainya dibawah teman-temannya tetapi pada akhirnya keadaan berbalik dan teman-temannya yang nilainya diatas Bill Gates jadi anak buahnya.

Dia bilang...

"Otak tidak bisa didefinisikan oleh angka."

Tidak salah. Tapi itu bukan alasan buat malas belajar :))

I know I'm not good at expressing my feeling. But there's something that I want to tell you. Lately, when I close my eyes, I see those buried dreams. I know that I still want to reach it, although it has been away. Look back on what I used to be. How eager I was. How I struggled to keep it seems real. Then I stopped. I want to try it again, but stuck in this helpless situation. Trapped by obligation and revelation. A long journey is waiting ...

*taken by my dad

Habibah, my classmate who is usually called Bibul, asked me to make a figure of her and her boyfriend, Hafizan (Nick name = Boss <--- they both have real name start with H, and nick name start with B. How sweet!) for his birthday. So here it is.

Made during school days, which were days of trigonometry and chemistry exam. So Bibul went to my home, she made this, and I helped her. But of course, this couldn't be finished in a couple of hours, and I had to stay up late working on this, finishing (studying, also). I knew it was hard, but I realized that someday I will face this kind of choice; you have to study a super difficult subject, and also do your work! It was like a challenge to me, anyway.

I'm glad I could finish it. But I got 55 in my chemistry exam. Just don't get about the hybridization theory and some of the things.

You know what? Chemistry sucks. And my chemistry teacher has terrible teaching method. Even the master of chemistry, Romce hate her method. And somehow the teacher looks confused.

Today, I wasn't in a mood, so all I did was doodling on my sketchbook. You will have inspirational idea at school, so bring your sketchbook to school! Trust me, it works.
FYI, I am not that bad student at all, haha, I still listened to her, tough. I got it, even the simplest one, not the complicated one. hehe *grins*

Ok. That's all :)

Ditulis karena tidak akan punya kesempatan untuk bertanya

Kenapa berubah? kenapa membingungkan? Kenapa di banyak waktu baik sekali? Kenapa di lain waktu bisa tega sekali? Atau aku belum melihat dari sudut yang lain? Atau memang emosi yang menguasai? kemana semangatmu? kenapa tidak bisa melihat apa yang ada di depan mata? kenapa tidak bisa berpikir bahwa seburuk apapun hidup pasti ada sisi baiknya? kenapa tidak bisa melihat apa yang kamu punya? kenapa disia-siakan?


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