This small room miniature was for Claudia's (or I usually called Mochan) seventeenth birthday. Some of the furniture are just look like what exists in her room (Bed, studying table, and shelves), her room wall was painted yellow too. Her gray school bag, her laptop, teddy bear on her bed corner.

This is one of the secret project I told you before. I spent my Idul Fitri holiday making this. It was bliss for me seeing the result.

If you're wondering, what is the framing big tower? Is it a picture? Nooo, it is a window with the Seoul Tower view. It was an alternative window, since the box hadn't got a  window hole.

Unfortunately, I didn't give this on the d-day, since I was sick. It was late October, two months ago.

Can't believe it, time passed so fast. We will left 2011 just in a couple of days. Next year I will go to university, Hmm... I'm excited but also scared. Hahaha. That's all. Wait for my next post :D

Michin and Mochan, taken about 4 or 5 months ago


  1. Es una preciosa escena, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  2. aaaaa itu lucu bangettt! fotonya bisa sekecil itu pulak hahah.

  3. lucu bangeeeet :D itu buatan sendiri? kereen, psti seneng bngt dapet itu :3

  4. Kereen..
    Itu cara bikinnya gimana, Mb??

    Wah, kita sama, ni..
    Next year, I'll go 2 University too.. ^3^

  5. Makasih semuanya komennya ^^

    @ happy : Macem2, tapi rata2 pake kayu dipotong2, terus di cat. Bikin pola dulu ukurannya, ya kayak bikin perabotan biasa cuma ini versi kecil :D Saya ini belajar otodidak kok.
    Wah, sama. Happy mau masuk mana?


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