Remember the last post about a commissioned claywork I made for my friend's teacher? Somehow I was feeling uneasy. Why I did make one for my friend's teacher, but I didn't make one for my teacher.

So I had a thought to give my teacher a scrap book souvenir. I told the idea to my friends, they agreed. But I had no idea about scrapbooking, So I went to a scrapbooking course to make this project. It wasn't because all of this after all, I was actually kinda interested in scrapbooking. Therefore, I am continuing my course at the moment.

have I told you that in my high school all of us were being in the same class for three years? What I made was just for Pak Samsul. For Pak Agus and Bu Tituk, they were Havid and Romce who made those scrapbooking souvenirs. They were cute too, but I don't have the photos.

Hopefully even years passed, when he look into this, he will remember us. It was his first experience for being a homeroom teacher, but It was our last year in high school :')

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