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Finally, it's finished. Aaaa... I was so happy!
It took me about 3 months to finish this romantic gazebo, since, I have lots of thing to do besides making clay.
This is so romantic, isn't it? I always imagine me, myself and somebody special sitting here surrounded by these beautiful flowers. Unyuuu banget nggak se? Hahaha

Actually, I wanna make a lot more accessories such as, two cups of tea and a cake. You don't want to see the table empty, do you? But holiday was over, and I couldn't wait to post this romantic thing to my blog. Hehe.

I made everthing, but the gazebo, my self. Including the furniture (I used balsa wood, you can get them in store which sell the architecture maket's materials), the flowers, and the pots(I didn't buy because it would have been cost a lot more).

One Comment

  1. Bagus bangeeeeeettttt mbak, eh mbak aku kalo pesen clay buat kado ultah kira2 bayar berapa ya hehehehe ^^ orgnya ultah masi agustus sih mbak, bs ga mba?


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